Spare wheel



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I have a 2021 MP with 19 inch alloys but no spare wheel. MB dealer has quoted nearly £900 for a full size wheel without kit (jack etc.).

Does anyone know where I get one (with kit) at a more reasonable price?
Do you really need one? There is the winch kit to lower it also needed, plus fitting. Most cars today don't have a spare, tyre weld or a transporter to a garage is more normal now.
You certainly need one Steve. With the condition of the roads and potholes everywhere unless you drive at 10 mph you’re going to get caught with the limit of the rubber on the normal tyres. After 6 punctures/ rips in tyres in 2023 at about £235 per tyre ( plus one emergency at over &300) I decided to fit my own spare and kit. Remember when rescued by MB agent and taken to the nearest dealer the MP 19 “ isn’t a ‘standard stock item - we can get one tomorrow’ so good job it’s a camper and I’ve slept on a few forecourts!! My own DIY - Fitting took under a hour but MB reluctant to provide parts. Fairly easy to get parts if you chat up the parts team and the local tyre dealer. Certainly not £900 but more like 2/3 of that.
Do you really need one? There is the winch kit to lower it also needed, plus fitting. Most cars today don't have a spare, tyre weld or a transporter to a garage is more normal now.
I agree but with so many areas of poor cell coverage, I think would be sensible to at least carry a small compressor and a sealant cartridge system, in order to call the garage!
You certainly need a spare wheel if youhave the MB OEM ( in UK) low profile tyres!
I have had to replace four tyres on my MP through damage to sidewalls. Three due to low. speed impacts on Gloucestershire potholes and one my fault when I clipped a kerb while trying to park in a tight spot. In all instances the tyre repair kit which I also keep would not have neen able to fix.
Don’t rely on Mercedes breakdown recovery, assuming you are in an area with a signal. They will take you to an MB dealer and you will have to wait for them to obtain a tyre for a local tyre dealer. They won’t for example sent a tyre repair company to a campsite. So not much use if it is out of hours and you want to continue using the vehicle!
For peace of mind I found it more cost effective to completely replace the rims so that I could fit higher profile tyres. I have not had a problem since and they are quieter with a provide better ride especially when loaded.
The factory fitted spare wheel, when it came as standard and not an extra is steel and not the same size as the standard rims but at least it keeps you on the move until you can get sorted.
The reason many manufacturers don’t provide spare wheels these days is to save weight and improve fuel economy figures which ironically offsets the gallons of ad blu you have to lug around to meet pollution regulattions.
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I have a full size/spec spare on my 2018 MP (same as the 4 on each corner)
It a job and half to replace on your own I would not recommend trying it especially on a busy roadside.
I am covered by MB Breakdown as I have the MP serviced at Merc, the guys (RAC have the contract) just come out and assist its a great service
Recommend that you go on ebay or something and look for a V Class spare
Interesting. My 2019 AMG wheels are 19”” the steel spare is 18”
It took me a while to remember where the plug to lower the spare was located. I always carry an extra long socket wrench to undo tight wheelnuts and changing it wasn’t difficult.
I am also covered by MB breakxdown assist which, as you say is subcontracted to RAC. However, the MB, subcontract required RAC to tow the vehicle to MB to get a replacement tyre fitted even though I was paying for the replacement tyre. It was 25 miles in the wrong direction and MB weren’t even open.
Luckily, I also have Nationwide holiday cover which includes breakdown insurance through the AA.
A complete contrast. AA asked me the make of tyre I wanted and collectedit on the way out. The driver pinned his location to my phone so that I knew exactly where he was and his ETA and replaced on the tyre at roadside.
Few points/ comments on the thread so far. Today’s potholes appear to rip tyres and not leave small holes for the sealants to work, so you cannot rely on those. Good compressor is ideal anyway in case of low pressure.
For a spare to match the standard 19 inch MB OEM try a Vito 17” steel wheel (new about £70, with a 215/60R17 TRANGLE TV701 109/107T tyre fitted for under £100 from SCS Tyre Pros. Exact diameter match. Enough to get you home at least I’d say.
Interesting. My 2019 AMG wheels are 19”” the steel spare is 18”
It took me a while to remember where the plug to lower the spare was located. I always carry an extra long socket wrench to undo tight wheelnuts and changing it wasn’t difficult.
I am also covered by MB breakxdown assist which, as you say is subcontracted to RAC. However, the MB, subcontract required RAC to tow the vehicle to MB to get a replacement tyre fitted even though I was paying for the replacement tyre. It was 25 miles in the wrong direction and MB weren’t even open.
Luckily, I also have Nationwide holiday cover which includes breakdown insurance through the AA.
A complete contrast. AA asked me the make of tyre I wanted and collectedit on the way out. The driver pinned his location to my phone so that I knew exactly where he was and his ETA and replaced on the tyre at roadside.
My C63 is also suffering with a popped tyre (pot hole)
MB breakdown came out last week to my house, removed the wheel and left it on axle stand and agreed to come back today to replace the wheel and new tyre I had sorted over weekend.
Great service imo. Sometimes they even have a small selection of spare wheels they will loan you til you get sorted
Belated thanks for all the responses.
A spare wheel is a necessity for me having had a blow out in mid-Wales, which resulted in a 6 hour delay while the van was taken by low loader to the nearest tyre depot.
I have now bought a road hero temporary spare for £299, which I hope is never used!
I have a 2021 MP with 19 inch alloys but no spare wheel. MB dealer has quoted nearly £900 for a full size wheel without kit (jack etc.).

Does anyone know where I get one (with kit) at a more reasonable price?
Check and confirm the dimensions, and you can buy one on eBay. I bought a brand new genuine alloy wheel, made in Austria, at £450 on eBay to replace one of my old alloys with a crack. The dealer would charge me £2,000 for that part and fitting.
I have a 2021 AMG line with 19 inch alloys.
I do not have a spare wheel and when I investigated I was told if not specified at the factory a spar is not added which is required for the winch to winch the wheel up underneath.
I don't have the spar so I cannot have a spare wheel (which is a space saver anyway). I also do not have the tools.
I read somewhere that the spare wheel is not even offered as an option when new with the amg line - not sure about that though.

By the way don't be too concerned about no spare tyre these days - if you have AA/RAC etc. and find a local mobile fitter for the worst cases (and a pump for all other cases) you'll do fine. I have AA and AA european cover and have been sorted with all my multiple punctures and blowouts in the UK and abroad (yes I have been unlucky with tyres ...)

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